Tuesday 8 September 2015

Trentham to Leek tunnel

7 September - A big day to get to Caldon Canal 

Up and away early on a run through Trentham and into the outskirts of Stoke on Trent, an uneventful run through industry and housing to the Stoke Bottom lock. We worked our way up the 5 locks and turned right at the top into the Caldon canal.

We stopped for water and dropped rubbish and met up with Rob the lock, a volunteer lock helper again. We met Robert in June when we came down this way and he helped us for half a day, he helps with gates and then cycles on to set the next lock, a great help and a fountain of facts and stories about his stretch of the canal. He stayed with us until Milton and we gave him lunch, we went to the pub, The Millrace but it is not open Mondays and Tuesdays, so we ate on the boat Bacon sarnies 10/10 and Rob went off to an appointment. 

Caught up with Rob again and he meet us at the Staircase and was opening the gates for us as we came around. Could adopt him for the next 199 locks

Rob the Lock rode ahead and opened the bridge for us

Rob the Lock.

We 1st met Rob in June on our way south down the Trent and Mersey canal, he just appears and helps out at locks, there are Canal trust keepers and Rob was one once but he quit because he felt restricted by their rules so hes his own show. He knows about every thing good or bad that happens along the stretch of canal that he has adopted and is always at the ready to assist, with his bike and trailer he will shop for live a boards if you give him the money and a list, he fixes bikes, and he will, according to his card help with boat painting and moving.
Robert is one of those character's who make the waterways the unique place they are and no trip down this section of the Trent and Mersey would be complete without meeting him on his bike, with a grin on his face and the mission to give a helping hand to everyone he meets.

Our Journey continues

We carried on into hills and 5 more locks and 2 lift bridges and by 3pm we were at the junction at Hazelhurst locks where we took the branch to Leek and carried on into the hills, from here on this is a contour canal so it follows the sides of the valleys and seems to get higher and higher but with no locks you are not climbing at all the water is level its just an illusion.

Last lock of the day - Yeah

We carried on for an hour or so until we found what we were looking for Nb QISMA with our friends Alistair and Jan and their dog LJ [Little Josh] who have been touring in the area.
This photo is complement of Jan as she was just coming over the hill shortly after we arrived, on tow path talking to Alistair

We moored up and had a towpath catch up with cake until the sun set and the cold drove us indoors

8 September - Rest Day

 This is what we woke to the next morning - note no body has moved to lunchtime.

TOTAL - 14 locks, 3 lift bridges, 7 small Aqueducts

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